Everything Raw Consultations for Pet Wellness

Everything Raw is devoted to assisting pet owners to become “informed pet parents” so that you can help their dog live a happy, healthy, and long life. Our goal is to assist you in providing your dog with a balanced and complete diet that is beneficial to maintaining their optimum peak health. For more information, check out our free manual, Raw Feeding 101 to jumpstart your journey!

Our dedicated Raw Food Specialists and Pet Nutrition Specialists can work with you to not only provide you with nutritional knowledge but also to work with you to identify the underlying issues that may be causing the majority of health problems afflicting your beloved furry friend.

Book a consultation to begin your path to pet wellness. To get you started, check out our free manual, Raw Feeding 101 to jumpstart your journey!

Pet Food Advisory Consultation

New To Raw Consultation

Still have questions after reading our Raw Feeding 101 manual. Want to discuss a more personalized approach with one of our specialists? We, at Everything Raw, are here to assure you that there is nothing to fear when making the move to a more naturally balanced and complete diet. While we will always recommend a species appropriate diet (raw dog food), we can also work with you if you feed kibble, cooked, dehydrated, or freeze dried.

By booking a consultation, you can get access to our dedicated Pet Nutrition Specialists and Raw Food Specialists who will ensure that your pet’s diet is optimal and tailored to their needs.

New to Raw

Are you curious to learn more? Give us a call at 613-558-4618 and we can book your consultation to begin your path to pet wellness. For more information, check out our free manual, Raw Feeding 101 , to jumpstart your journey!